Installing the WAND 10.3inch Tonearm (with wiring upgrade) in the Technics SL-1000RE-S Turntable System - Impressive results!

This April we tested the WAND 10.3-inch Tonearm (with upgraded wiring) in Technics' most precious Turntable System, the SL-1000RE-S. We are proud to certify that DesignBuildListen's unipivot carbon-fiber tonearm, the WAND 10.3-inch Tonearm designed by Simon Brown, is a truly remarkable upgrading solution even for the most exquisite, direct drive turntable systems, such as the Technics SL-1000RE-S Turntable System.

Please see photos to follow the necessary installation steps. Instructions will soon be posted.

The WAND Tonearm could do wonders for your system to!

The Wand weighs ~500g (~1lb) this is similar to SME 3009 and a little heavier than Rega arms (420g). So it should be within the adjustment range of most turntables.

The full mounting kit is already available for Linn LP12, Technics SL1200 & SL1500, Technics SL1200 GR, Lenco L75, Thorens TD318, Thorens TD160/150 and Michell Turntables.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail for specific detailed instructions.

Athens, Spring 2024